What Is ProStart®

ProStart® is a national career-building two-year program for high school students who are interested in culinary arts and food service management. Whether students are looking to enter the job market directly after graduating, or if they plan to attend college, a ProStart® graduate makes a trustworthy candidate for success. ProStart® develops the best and brightest talent into tomorrow’s industry leaders. ProStart’s industry-driven curriculum proves real-world educational opportunities and builds practical skills and a foundation that will last a lifetime. ProStart® students receive classroom training, mentored work experience, marketable job skills, and access to college scholarships. By bringing industry and the classroom together, ProStart® gives students a platform to discover new interests and talents and opens doors for fulfilling careers. It all happens through a curriculum that teaches all facets of the restaurant and foodservice industry, inspires students to succeed and sets a high standard of excellence for students and the industry.



Where Is ProStart®

ProStart® is a nationwide, two-year high school program that unites the classroom and the industry. It develops the best and brightest talent into tomorrow’s restaurant and foodservice industry leaders. In Missouri, approximately 100 high schools and career centers use the ProStart® curriculum with approximately 6,000 students participating. Students learn vital kitchen skills, including food safety and knife cuts, and important management lessons, such as menu development and marketing. The state competition provides a hands-on opportunity for students to demonstrate the skills learned throughout the year and be judged by top industry professionals.

ProStart® Schools

ProStart® educators are entitled to a free membership in Missouri Restaurant Association. For more information about becoming a member please contact MRA at prostart@morestaurants.org for assistance. 

ProStart Educator Resources 

We are committed to provide our ProStart Educators with the most up-to-date resources to effectively teach the program. If you are looking for specific resources that are not in our portfolio please contact our office staff at prostart@morestaurants.org for assistance. 


MRA Education Foundation

Established by Missouri Restaurant Association, the MRA Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. MRAEF was formed to accomplish the educational initiatives of MRA. The Foundation's core mission is to provide ladders to successful careers in the restaurant and hospitality industry in Missouri and elsewhere. 

​The organization's flagship program is Missouri ProStart®, an industry-based, two-year high school culinary arts and restaurant management curriculum. Missouri ProStart® is currently in more than 100 Missouri high schools and career centers, reaching over 6,000 students annually.

Each year, MRA and its affiliated chapters award over 50 scholarships to deserving students to help with the costs of post-secondary education. To make a tax-deductible donation to the MRA Education Foundation, contact the MRA office at 816-753-5222 or click here for a donation form.

For more information on ProStart®, contact John LaRocca and Leone Herring, Missouri ProStart® Coordinators – prostart@morestaurants.org.