KRHA Dual Partnership - Benefit

The association was organized as a 501(c)(6) corporation in 1929 as the Kansas Restaurant Association (KRA) by bringing industry leaders together to promote quality food and beverage operations.

In 1993, KRA added the lodging industry to its representation and became the Kansas Restaurant and Hospitality Association (KRHA).  With growing momentum the KRHA Educational Foundation, a 501(c)(3) corporation, was founded in 1996 to enhance the quantity and quality of the food service and lodging industries work force in Kansas through member training, ProStart School-to-Career programs, and post secondary scholarship opportunities.

What is My Benefit? 

If you are Kansas Restaurant & Hospitality Association (KRHA) member that resides in either Leavenworth, Johnson, or Wyandotte Counties you gain a complimentary membership with the Missouri Restaurant Association, under the Greater Kansas City Restaurant Association (GKCRA). 

Under this partnership, you gain access to our benefits like Kansas City Restaurant Week, Dinning Alliance, and receive member discounts for our events across the Greater Kansas City Metro Area.