ProStart® Educator Resources

Correlations with National Standards

Exam Information
Exam and Certificate Resources
FRMCA 2nd Edition Exam Specifications
Proctor Information

Certificate of Achievement (COA):
Student Work Experience
Explanation of Work Hours
COA Training PowerPoint

DESE Application for Approval of Career Education Programs:
DESE Program Approval Form
Program Approval Application Checklist - 2023

DESE - Technical Skills Assessments/Industry Recognized Credential (TSA/IRC):
TSA/IRC Guidance

Kitchen Equipment Suggestion List: 
ProStart Kitchen Equipment Suggestion List

Missouri ProStart Assurances Agreement:
Missouri ProStart Assurances Agreement Document

NRAEF Educator Registration Process

NRAEF ProStart Educator Certificate​

Textbook Purchases and Resources​:

The Missouri representative for Foundations textbook purchase is: Lauren Robin – – 312-627-2424.  An approved ProStart program must use the Foundations textbooks. The second edition of the Foundations Level I and Foundations Level 2 textbooks should be in use.  First edition of the Foundations textbook is no longer supported.

Textbook Resources:

Textbook Website 


Overview of Additional Resources

Correlations with National Standards

Detailed Table of Contents with Learning Objectives for Level 1 and Level 2

Second Edition Bridge Document

Entire NRAEF Educator Resource Library: Includes webinars, lessons, PowerPoints, etc